imetable plan activities acceptance a new student (PMB) technical college statistics (STIS) 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Selatan Municipality

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imetable plan activities acceptance a new student (PMB) technical college statistics (STIS) 2015

imetable plan activities acceptance a new student (PMB) technical college statistics (STIS) 2015

February 28, 2015 | Other Activities

High school science (STIS) statistics is a college diploma program Service IV, managed by the central bureau of statistics (BPS) since 1958 , called best youth Indonesia graduates of public secondary school for science to educated are the statistics .STIS vision to carry higher education institutions Service that serves to develop and disseminate knowledge , especially in the field of computing Statistics and statistics to educate cadres having the ability of academic and professional.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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