Production growth IBS Increased 2.40 percent and IMK Declined 1.63 percent in Third Quarter of 2015 from Third Quarter Of 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Selatan Municipality

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Production growth IBS Increased 2.40 percent and IMK Declined 1.63 percent in Third Quarter of 2015 from Third Quarter Of 2014

Release Date : November 2, 2015
File Size : 1 MB


Growth in industrial production of large and medium manufacturing the third quarter of 2015 increased by 2.40 percent (y-on-y) for the third quarter of 2014. This increase was mainly due to rising production of the apparel industry, which rose by 31.13 percent, rising food industry amounting to 12.73 per cent and Industry Wood, Articles of Wood and Cork (Excluding Furniture) and Goods Woven from bamboo, rattan and the like rose 10.76 percent. While the types of industries that experienced a decline in industrial production is a non-metal mineral products fell by 14.65 percent, industrial rubber, rubber products and plastics fell 8.51 percent, and paper and paper products fell 3.24 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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