In 2015, Harvested Area and Rice Productivity Rise - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Selatan Municipality

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In 2015, Harvested Area and Rice Productivity Rise

Release Date : November 2, 2015
File Size : 1.27 MB


Based on Forecast Figures (Aram) II 2015, Banten rice production is estimated will reach 2.17 million tons of dry unhusked rice (GKG), an increase of 126.99 thousand tons (6.21 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in rice production caused by increase in harvested area and productivity while for rice paddy fields to harvest area or productivity is decreased.

According to Aram II in 2015, maize production is expected to reach 13.83 thousand tons of dry seed, or an increase of 31.51 percent when compared to production in 2014, which reached 10.51 thousand tons. Increased production of maize due to increased harvested area of 3,152 hectares in 2014 to 4,113 hectares in 2015, an increase of 30.49 percent

Aram II soybean production by 2015 is expected to reach 7.06 thousand tons, an increase of 10.52 percent when compared to 2014. The increase in soybean production is influenced by increased harvested area of 4815 hectares in 2014 to 5,143 hectares in 2015, an increase of 6, 81 percent.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Tangerang Selatan (Statistics of Tangerang Selatan Municipality)Jl. Raya Serpong - Puspiptek No. 156 Kel. Kademangan Kec. Setu Kota Tangerang Selatan 15313

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